February CLUB MEETING: “Tri-Cities Bear Aware”, presented by Carla Parr-Pearson
February CLUB MEETING (via Zoom): “Tri-Cities Bear Aware”, presented by Carla Parr-Pearson
Tuesday, February 11, 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Carla Parr-Pearson will describe how she became a bear advocate and founded the Tri-Cities Bear Aware Community Group. Carla has volunteered hundreds of hours documenting the behaviour of local bears and their conflicts with people and pets. Her detailed research and advocacy were instrumental in Port Moody becoming a Bear Smart City in 2024. Coquitlam became a Bear Smart City in 2017, and now, a total of only 13 municipalities have received this hard-won provincial designation.
Learn how Tri-Cities Bear Aware and the Cities are working to educate residents on how to minimize bear conflicts. As evidence of the effectiveness of monitoring and public education programs, no bears have been killed in Port Moody since 2021.
This is a positive story about how we can co-exist with the bears in our community.