Invasive Plant Removal at Como Lake
BMN members and others are invited to help City of Coquitlam staff remove invasive plants around Como Lake. Please join us on Tuesday, February 13 and Friday, March 1st at Como Lake, 730 Gatensbury Street, Coquitlam from 9:00 until noon for an invasive plant removal work party.
Come for the whole time or just an hour. Every bit helps as we tame invasives and give native plants more room to reach the sun and spread their roots. No experience is necessary and training and plant identification will be provided.
Let’s meet at the north end parking lot near the washrooms and tackle Himalayan Blackberry. We will be cutting back vines and branches in a newly planted area. Digging up root wads will also be on the agenda. We will also need some people to carry branches and vines to tarps. Our hosts, City of Coquitlam, will have some tools and gloves for us to use. Bring your own gloves, clippers or loppers if you have favourites you like to use.
It’s a large patch so we will have lots of room for social distancing. Dress for the weather and bring water to drink and snacks.
Please send an email to Kathy at to RSVP so we have an idea of the number of people coming. Dress for the weather and the job.