Invasive Plant Removal Work Party at Blakeburn Lagoons Park
BMN VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Invasive Plant Removal Work Party at Blakeburn Lagoons Park
Tuesday February 18 & 25, and Tuesday March 11, 9am to noon
This event is hosted by the City of Port Coquitlam with BMN volunteers. We will be tackling invasive plants, mostly Himalayan blackberry, in the natural areas. Bring your own garden tools and gloves if you prefer. The City will provide a limited number of clippers, landscape forks, loppers, rakes and tarps. It could get warm so bring water and a snack.
Meet at the main entrance of the park by the new washroom, just off the Elbow Place cul-de-sac. Come for the whole time or just part. Every effort is appreciated!
Please send a note to Kathy Leko if you plan on helping out.