Invasive Species Work Party at Como Lake
Save the date: Tuesday April 23 for another Invasive Species Work Party at Como Lake
Help us continue to make great strides in removing English Ivy and Himalayan Blackberry at the northernmost end of Como Lake’s wilderness area near the public washrooms in Como Lake Park at 700 Gatensbury Street, Coquitlam .
We’ll be clipping blackberry vines and digging up their rootballs. We’ll be pulling ivy out of the ground and clipping them off tree trunks. We’ll need a few volunteers to clip long vines and branches so they can be tossed into the back of the truck. Not all described here is hard or strenuous work. Come for the whole three hours or any part. Your efforts are appreciated!
Let’s meet at 9:00 in the grassy area west of the bathrooms. You’ll see the City of Coquitlam truck parked on the grass near Grover Street. Shovels, clippers and sturdy gloves will be supplied but bring your own if you like. I recommend your outdoor working clothes as sometimes our enthusiasm to get that stubborn plant out can result in a little dirt getting on knees or work boots.
Many thanks to the City of Coquitlam for hosting us for the last spring Como Lake Blackberry removal party. Bring your friends and relatives from 9 am to noon on Tuesday, April 23!
Contact Kathy at for more information