Saturday, January 18
This hike will travel primarily on the north side of Burnaby Mountain. From North Road, we will head north, descending to just above the Barnet Highway. From there we will go west along the base of Burnaby Mountain on an access road and hiking trail to where we ascend steeply (but via stairs) to Burnaby Mountain park. We then go east along the TransCanada Trail and drop down to the Powerline Trail where we head south and back to the cars. The trail will be muddy in places and with some steep sections, but nothing out of the ordinary. The highlight of the hike is a wonderful evolving panorama from Mt Seymour to Eagle Ridge that we view through trees from the TransCanada Trail. Round trip distance is 12 km with a cumulative elevation gain of 400 m. The hike is weather dependent, and will be postponed if the weather doesn’t look good. Meet at 9:00 am. Return at 1:00 pm. Please contact Jim (778.960.4335) if you plan on attending or for more info.