Interested in Giving a Donation?
Burke Mountain Naturalists is a registered non-profit society with charitable income status. While the BMN does not actively solicit donations, any monetary donations given to the club are appreciatively accepted. Donations are used towards public education and wildlife habitat preservation.
How to Make a Donation
To donate to the Burke Mountain Naturalists, choose one of the following payment options:
(Please indicate if you would like a tax receipt, if your donation is over $25.)
1. E-Transfer
You can pay using e-transfer by sending the funds to No security question is required. Note: Paying via e-transfer is the preferred method because it is FREE; PayPal charges a small fee for each transaction.
2. Cheque
Mail your cheque to:
Burke Mountain Naturalists
P.O. Box 52540, R.P.O. Coquitlam Centre
Coquitlam, BC V3B 7J4
3. Cash
You can donate cash any BMN members meeting or event.
4. One-Time PayPal or Credit Card
You do not need a PayPal account if you would like to make your one-time donation by credit card. Just look for the ‘Don’t have a PayPal account?’ information after you click the Donate button below (sample see right).
5. Monthly Donation by PayPal
You will need a PayPal account if you would like to make a monthly donation. Each month, you will be automatically charged the amount you have selected for your monthly donation. To cancel, just log into your PayPal account where you can cancel your monthly donation at any time.