The City of Coquitlam once again invited BMN to participate in Coquitlam in Bloom held at Blue Mountain Park on July 21st. This year, Coquitlam continued its annual Communities in Bloom tradition with an entry in the Circle of Excellence category for past national winners. Visit Coquitlam in Bloom.
Our display, set up by Lori, Anne and Edie showcased the partnership between work projects with BMN and Coquitlam to remove invasive plants at DeBoville Slough and Como Lake. Thanks to June Lussier, David Mountenay and John Saremba for providing excellent photos and to Nancy Furness for lending us unique banners and nature items from Wondrous Trees for our display.
Lori reviewed BMN’s achievements with the judges, the Mayor and other interested parties. She pointed out that the grebe returned to Como Lake this year after an absence of several years, due in part, to improved nesting areas because of the removal of invasive plants. Special thanks to all those who regularly remove invasive plants from these areas, as well as Blakeburn Lagoons—hard work, but always fun.