From the City of Port Coquitlam
Interested in Port Coquitlam’s trees? You’re invited to our workshop on Oct 12 to discuss ideas for updating our tree policies and regulations to better manage our urban forests.
Taking place from 6:30 to 8 pm at the Gathering Place in Leigh Square, the workshop will wrap up a 10-week public consultation process, during which the city asked residents, property owners and developers how they think Port Coquitlam should manage its trees now and in the future.
The workshop will provide an opportunity for break-out discussions on topics such as specimen and heritage trees, tree protection and tree promotion. The workshop is open to anyone interested in the topic, but spots must be reserved by Oct 10 through our sign-up form at
The City launched the update of its tree policies and regulations this year to ensure that our growing community will continue to enjoy the benefits of trees, like shade, clean air, stormwater management, wildlife habitat, natural beauty and a sense of connection to the environment.
Port Coquitlam’s urban forest includes about 5.6 million trees on all private and public property, including streets, parks and conservation areas. The city’s current tree canopy (the area covered by trees) is 23.8 per cent, but that will decline over time if the city doesn’t change how it manages trees.
As part of the city’s long-term planning work this year, staff looked at research and leading practices in other cities in Metro Vancouver and beyond for ideas to encourage the planting of trees and to better protect and manage trees.
Informed by input from the public and stakeholders, the city plans to complete the draft bylaw and policy changes by the end of 2017 for consideration by Council in early 2018.
For more background, visit