Be part of the Vision for Riverview – Third Open House Dates
Please join us for our third open house for the Riverview Lands Vision Process.
See your ideas for Riverview come alive at the upcoming community Co-Design workshops.
- Hear peoples’ desires for the future life of Riverview at a brainstorming session.
- Participate in a group with an artist to create a scene that depicts a day in the life on the Riverview Lands.
- View all of the drawings and rate the ideas.
Each Open House will have the same information and format.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
10:00am – Sign Up and Open House
10:15am – “A Day in the Life” Brainstorming
11:00am – 1:00pm – Artist Sessions – (small group sessions run approximately 20 minutes)
1:00pm – 1:30pm – Viewing & Rating
Centennial Pavilion, at corner of Poirier & Winslow (faces Winslow Ave)
Join us for the whole event or just one part.
Small group spaces with artists are limited. Kindly attend only one event to allow others to participate.
Pre-registration is strongly encouraged but not required – call 604.216.7057 or and leave your full name, contact details, organization you belong to (if applicable) and which open house you would like to attend. One of our staff will get back to you to confirm your registration.
Vote Online
If you cannot attend the open house in person, we invite you to participate online. Starting October 6, view illustrated ideas online and rate them.
– See more at: